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What is the Meat and Mined Salt Intolerance?

The Meat and Mined Salt Intolerance

The only intolerance that has two primary foods that must be avoided is the Meat and Mined Salt intolerance. We never see only meat or mined salt - it is always both. To do this intolerance correctly, both should be eliminated from your diet completely.

Let’s start with meat.

Being intolerant to meat includes all kinds of beef, pork, lamb, venison, elk, chicken, duck, goose, turkey, and all game animals. It includes all foods that are derived from these animals as well.

Your meat intolerance doesn’t include seafood, eggs, or dairy products, so there are still animal proteins and products you can have.

So, no bacon whether it’s turkey or pork.

Don’t eat jello or anything else made with gelatin like marshmallows and some other chewy candies.

Be careful of cheeses that contain rennet, which is sourced from animals. Look for cheese that uses vegetable rennet or vinegar instead.

Read ingredient labels and avoid anything that contains lard or tallow. Some restaurants will fry things in these, so be sure to ask what type of fat they use.

There is no vegetarian source of collagen, so products containing that must be avoided too unless it is specifically from fish. Marine collagen products do exist.

The upside of this is that with the popularity of plant-based foods there are a lot of recipes and products out there for people who don’t eat meat; and many vegetarian, vegan and pescatarian recipes and products will be fine for you. In fact, some ethnic food types are primarily vegetarian and are delicious.

Mined Salt is actually where this intolerance gets hard.

Mined salt, also called table salt, comes from salt deposits in the earth. It’s mined and processed, removing most of the minerals and often adding iodine.

Himalayan salt is a very popular mined salt, for example.

Sea salt is from evaporated sea water. The minerals are all retained in sea salt, and iodine is not added.

When you read ingredient labels, be sure to choose food items that specify “sea salt”. The vast majority of products just say “salt” though, and you must assume that means it is mined salt.

It will mostly be organic food products that use sea salt instead of mined salt. Most restaurants will use mined salt instead of sea salt. The reason for this is simply that it’s cheaper.

This food intolerance is difficult because it means you will have to cook most of your own meals at home from scratch.

If this feels overwhelming or depressing, it will be ok. There is still a lot of food available to you!

In summary: if you have an intolerance to meat and mined salt you can still eat fish, eggs, dairy, vegetables and grains. Read ingredient labels to avoid meat derivatives, and only choose products that specify “sea salt”.

You’ve got this!

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